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YGE90HV 90A Brushless controller

YGE90HV 90A Brushless controller
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Disponibilidade: Existente
Referencia: YGE90HV
Fabricante: YGE
Qtd:  Adicionar ao carrinho

YGE90HV 90A Brushless controller


Classe 550 - 600

The specified current is the maximum continuous power with good cooling.
4 to 12s LiPo, at low voltage.
12-36 NiMh cells, with under-voltage.
Undervoltage detection can be switched off.
Speed ​​regulation (governor mode).
Soft start.
Active free-running, thus part load indefinitely.
Automatic timing, or adjustable in 6 steps.
Infinitely adjustable F3A brake.
Normal EMK brake adjustable in 3 steps.
Clock frequency: 8 to 16 kHz
Speed ​​limit: 240,000 RPM (2-pole)
Over temperature / over-load warning
Integrated anti-lightning
Dimensions: 67 x 31 x 19 mm
Weight: 53g with cable 79g
Programming with the ProgCard II

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